Every Saturday at Saskatoon Motor Products we put up balloons. We show up at 8:30AM and off we go. We don’t know why. But nonetheless we do. Balloons are fun I suppose. We did put up balloons at my house for my 9 year old daughters birthday, so maybe there is something to it. Hey, what do I know, I didn’t study psychology. I sell cars. I sell dreams. So, maybe I did study psychology. Or should have.
But, I digress. What I do know is that 30 people are going to win a car this month. I also know that GM has stipulated that you have to do it in person. I would love to come to see you with my ipad, but I have to stick around here. So, if you want to win a $35,000 vehicle without buying a lottery ticket, then come see me and I will sign you up. Takes 2 minutes.
And, if you are in the market for a vehicle, you could also win up to $10,000 off a vehicle.
So, what’s the moral of the story this Saturday? Balloons are fun! Winning a car is fun. So, come win a car…if you want, take a balloon home with you. If you have kids, they will thank you.