Today marks my one year anniversary at Saskatoon Motor Products (well, it was yesterday if we must be literal, but since yesterday was April Fool’s Day, clearly this post had to wait). As is the tradition at these milestones, I would like to look back and take time to appreciate the journey and the people that have had an impact along the way.
Prior to last year, I had no experience at all with automotive sales. All I knew was that this was an opportunity for me to work in the city (previously my career had meant me spending upwards of 150 days/year on the road) and spend more time with my family. But, could I, at 45 years of age, learn a new industry? And, not just learn, but flourish?
Well, they haven’t fired me yet. And, I have my name on a wall. So apparently old dogs can learn new tricks. Flourish? Perhaps too early to tell. But I have lofty goals, and Rome wasn’t built in a day.
Most importantly though, after one year in this role, I must acknowledge you–my customers. You have choices. You can do business at any number of locations in the city. Each of you that chooses to come see me and allows me the privilege of working with you have humbled me. I am grateful for the support. And, for those of you that have sent people my way–I am just blown away.
Thank you for making Year One a resounding success. I raise my glass to you! Thank you!